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Morning Crown

Abstract Figurative Painting and Sculptures
"Finding Amelia", a solo exhibition of evocative abstract figurative paintings and sculptures by New Mexico artist Carla Caletti at Range West Gallery. Caletti paints abstracted figures in liminal spaces and constructs sculptural forms from found and recycled materials. The deconstructed forms are inspired by her art practice of mending and repair, gathering disparate parts and fragments and creating new forms and associations. Her sculptures have a totemic quality and like her paintings, lead us to wonder about their land of origin. That wonder creates a portal, in both paintings and sculptures, where we can return again and again to query our own stories and journeys.

Art is a language I use to articulate the less rational and more mysterious realms of being human. An exploration of the inner landscape and worlds real and imagined, are inherent in my process. The abstracted figures in my paintings and my totemic sculptural figures act as a cross between superheroes and totemic beings, guardians that bridge the seen and unseen. They surface in some ways without my knowing; slipping in through the cracks. The deconstructed forms are inspired by my art practice of mending and repair, gathering disparate parts and fragments and creating new forms and associations as a means of transformation.

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